DAP Russia

No country like Russia

Customs clearance in Russia is different from that in other parts of the world. In Russia, import regulations do not always follow developments in international trade. They are strictly enforced and change regularly. (DAP customs clearance deliveries). Russian customs have a strict and bureaucratic approach to regulation. Only Russian legal entities are allowed to arrange customs clearance and make payments to customs. Are you a non-Russian company looking for business opportunities in Russia? You will then need a Russian entity, which will act as your importer and thus sell your products locally on your behalf. Many companies underestimate the time and costs involved in preparing technical data and certification for imports into Russia. Russia has – for example – strict customs requirements regarding the statistical value of goods in order to avoid gray imports. Good guidance from a specialized logistics service provider in Russia can really offer you a lot of added value.

Local staff

The presence and support of Ship-Road Logistics Solutions in both Europe and Russia enable us to bridge the gap between Western culture and Russian complexity. Our team of Russian experts in Moscow has unique knowledge and experience in transport and DAP Cleared deliveries to Russia. We know the procedures and regulations. This opens many doors that remain closed to others.

Ship-Road logistics Solutions, your partner for DAP cleared deliveries in Russia

We offer a transparent all-in customs solution for DAP Cleared deliveries to Russia. From samples, commercial shipments, and small parts to complete turnkey production lines. We take care of customs clearance in the name of the final recipient or in our name, Ship-Road Logistics Solutions.

There are two options:

  1. We register the final recipient at our own customs terminal. We will then arrange customs clearance on their behalf.
  2. However, if the final recipient does not want to be involved in customs clearance, we can arrange customs clearance on our behalf. In this case, Ship-Road Logistics Solutions purchases the goods from the seller. We take care of the customs clearance and sale of the goods to the final recipient on a local ruble contract, according to the instructions and (payment) conditions of the exporter.

Ship-Road Logistics Solutions provides:

  1. Temporary entry
  2. Customs clearance in the Moscow region (Smolensk, Moscow airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo) and St. Petersburg (including the port)
  3. Customs clearance documents
  4. Delivery (and customs clearance) of the exhibition goods with an ATA carnet
  5. Handling (and customs clearance) of diplomatic cargo
  6. Certification and registration services
  7. Warehousing
  8. Local distribution

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